This program consists of 4 mentoring sessions, designed to provide you with detailed support, guidance and connection as you navigate through a particular phase of your health journey.
Have you been recently diagnosed with a chronic illness/s and don’t know where to start?
Are you feeling overwhelmed or confused about your treatment options?
Do you want to start a family but don’t know if it’s possible or where to begin?
Are you feeling unsupported by your healthcare team and need advice on how to change this?
Do you want to have a whinge or cry about your health without judgment or unhelpful advice?
Do you want some ideas as to how to live a more fulfilled life with your chronic illness?
Do you want to be able to talk freely about your fears and concerns’, knowing your listener truly understands?
Session 1 - Your initial session will focus on working with your mentor to identify your goals for the program.
Session 2,3 and 4 - These will provide you with the opportunity to talk through a variety of issues or concerns about your health journey, and empower you with strategies to address your challenges and ultimately achieve your goals despite your chronic health condition/s.
Suzie will use her welfare and legal skills; strong communication skills; along with her personal experience of living with rheumatoid arthritis for 12+ years to:
Support you through the challenges of living with chronic health condition/s
Empower you to take control of your illness and treatment
Guide you through the health system so you get the most out of your healthcare team
Equip you with strategies to make living with your chronic health condition/s easier
Inspire you to live a fulfilled life despite your health challenges
Connect you to people, organisations and services that can further support you

AMS Package 1
1x 1.5 hour personalised mentoring session
face to face, phone or Skype (Australia or international)
anyone living with a musculoskeletal disease
lifetime email support about arthritis-related issues
AMS Package 2
(Pregnancy and Parenting)
1x 1.5 hour personalised mentoring session
face to face, phone or Skype (Australia or international)
issues related to pregnancy and parenting with arthritis
copy of ‘Arthritis, pregnancy and the path to parenthood’ (valued at $29.95 AUD)
lifetime email support about arthritis-related issues
Package 2
(Pregnancy and Parenting)
4 x 1 hour personalised mentoring sessions
face to face, phone or Skype (Australia or international)
issues related to pregnancy and parenting with chronic health condition/s
copy of ‘Arthritis, pregnancy and the path to parenthood’ (valued at $29.95 AUD)
email support for 2 months post-program